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2021 Panels

Wednesday, September 22nd

ATS's - Business Models

ATS Regulations - What Changed From 2019-2021?

The Best Protocol for Issuing Digital Assets

Thursday, September 23rd

Investing in the Digital Asset Economy

The Role of a Transfer Agent in the
Digital Asset Security Space

The Future of Liquid Digital Asset Securities

2021 Breakouts

Wednesday, September 22nd

"Enabling Secondary Trading of Real Estate:
A Discussion Between tZERO and MarketSpace Capital"

"Capitalizing Businesses of the Future"

Assurely Insurance

"Deploying and Managing Capital Across
Real Estate and Technology"

"Real Estate Investing Reinvented"

"Pioneering '40 Act Products on the Blockchain"

"Using Blockchain to Deliver Proof of
Value for Private Market Asset"

"Social Capital: Leveraging Your Network Equation"

"Digital Assets: The Key to Unlock a 30 Billion
Dollar Opportunity in Latin America"

"Community Crowdfunded Concepts
in Commercial Real Estate"

Thursday, September 23rd

"The Impact of ATS's on Asset
Allocation and Portfolio Construction"

"How do VCs and Founders Think
About Direct Listings?"

"Rethinking Wealth Creation"

"A How-To Guide on IRA Investments in
Digital Assets for Issuers & Investors"

"Making Illiquid Assets Liquid"

"The Future of Real Estate on Blockchain"

"The Lifecycle of A Direct Trading Scenario
to Enable Continuous Secondary Market Liquidity"

"Raising Capital for Real Estate
Funds with Security Tokens"

"The New Deal for Retail Investors"

"Jump, the DeFi Revolution Is Here"

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